Monday, October 26, 2009


Just received some great photos from owner Maya Barsky of her little girl "Sable" who is from our Salsa X Player litter!  Maya writes "writing to give you a quick update on Sable's progress. She is so fantastic! Attached are a few photos we took the other day at the dog park. As you can see, she has a new best buddy, 5 month-old Aussie, Monty.  She can now to the following:  Sit, Stay, Down, Roll-over, Pound it (where she hits your fist with her paw), High five, Speak, Dance (where she gets up on her hind legs and dances, Low crawl (where she gets on her belly and shuffles on the floor), and she's learning "Embarrassed" (where she hides her face with her paws). She's so smart and willing to learn, it's incredible."
Thanks so much for the great update Maya!