Monday, October 12, 2009


Still spinning from the shows in West Friendship, MD this weekend!  "Prowler"...Bayshore Stonehaven Cat Burglar was Winners Dog and Best Opposite Sex of Specials all 3 days!  And then on Sunday, "Rapper"...Bayshore Stonehaven Rapture was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and onto Best of Breed over Specials!  We were elated but could not imagine that she would then go on to WIN the Herding Group!!!
So a Herding Group 1 with a 5 point major for Rapper....

WEBSITE UPDATE!  We really wanted to change the look of our cover page on the website and not very far from the farm found amazing stone walls with stunning background scenary so I grabbed my camera and off I went!  A little wizardry in Photoshop to bring in Bravo and I think I've come up with something I really like....a new look for our opening page!  Let us know what you think!