Our own "BOND"...Bayshore Stonehaven Heartthrob goes Winners Dog /Best of Winners for a 4 point Major in Harrisburg, PA on Saturday!
"SALLY"...Bayshore Caught Ya Lookin at Stonehaven was Winners Bitch / Best of Winners in Atlanta, Georgia this weekend for a 4 point major! Congrats owner Sunny Jordan!
Sally is out of our Waterloo X Camay litter!

"RIVET"...Bayshore Stonehaven Buttonfly goes Winners Bitch / Best of Winners at her first show in Hawaii this weekend for 2 points! Congrats Lily Bhalang!
Rivet is out of our Fly X Asia litter!
"Hemi"...Stonehaven Bayshore Turbo Charged finished his Level 1 APDT Rally title this weekend -- so now he has RL1 after his name! Congrats owner Julie Rigby!
Hemi is from our Diesel X Hazel litter!