Friday, January 23, 2009


Just received this beautiful photo of Bayshore Stonehaven Betty Boop..."Betty" from her owner Simona in Italy! Betty is from our Fly X Asia litter and looks like she has turned into a lovely young lady.
Simona writes..."I'm VERY happy about my little Betty and I really thank you SO much for have giving me such a wonderful girl. I will update you about her success!" She also let us know that Betty came back Clear for the Hereditary Cataract Mutation!
Thank you for the update Simona...we look forward to hearing about all your success with Betty in the future!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


While it was only about an inch of snow that fell here yesterday, it was certainly enough to make for fun times with the two youngsters. So I grabbed my camera and out to their first snow we ventured!
At first, you can see that they were very calm and inquisitive as they discovered this new world!
Armani and Apple cooperating quite nicely for a group photo!
Armani just contemplating what to do with the white stuff all around!
Apple not totally sure she likes the cold sensation on her feet!

But then... just like most kids playing out in the snow things quickly went downhill!

No more sitting....PLAY TIME!

Dashing through the snow....
The face only a parent could love!


Just got a note from owner Donna Lineman sharing photos of "Jovi"...Bayshore Blaze of Glory at Stonehaven...after they received a whopping 10 inches of snow on top of what they already had!
Donna notes that "Jovi LOVES the snow!" Looks like that's a good thing!
Thanks for sharing photos of the handsome boy!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


We decided that at 14 months old now, "Prowler" was ready to begin playing in the show ring in preperation for the upcoming show season.
We are thrilled to relay that at the Snowbird Cluster this weekend, he was Reserve Winners Dog on Friday to a 3 point Major and on Saturday was Winners Dog for a 4 point Major!
And he definately won lots of fans around ring as we couldn't keep him from crawling in everyones lap for sloppy wet kisses!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


As you may have seen, we have a new look to the website!
It is still under construction but with this new format we are hoping to put more focus on and highlight the important component....our dogs!
We've updated virtually every dog's page with photo gallerys that include new photos and also added a progeny page to our stud dogs pages so that you may see some of their kids! And there is more to come! We are currently working on adding a "Past Litters" page so we can highlight previous Stonehaven puppies.
All of this is done in the wee hours of the morning when we have rare computer time so please feel free to let me know if you see any mistakes.
And if you like the new format or would like to see anything else, let us know that too!
Check back often!