As I sit here at St. Josephs Cardiac Center in Baltimore, MD with nothing but time on my hands, I figured I would provide everyone an update as to why I haven't posted new puppy pictures, returned phone calls and e-mails and generally have neglected my computer and phone.
A few weeks ago, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer...luckily still in Stage 1. After weighing options, he decided for a full prostatectomy by the leading prostate cancer specialist at Johns Hopkins. That was one week ago yesterday.
Two days ago while at home recovering from the surgery, he suffered a heart attack and was rushed to St. Josephs. Doctors installed a stint to open his blockage and as of this morning he is stable and doing well. We are actually waiting for his release at this moment. At what was a very healthy and "young" 60-years old, the last week has certainly been a blow to his confidence and sense of immortality.
Until this year,"good health" was simply something that my family took for granted. But this past week, coupled with my mother's diagnosis of a malignant kidney tumor and consequent kidney removal early this year has tested our limits. And at the same time, given us pause to sit back and evaluate the important elements of life.
Spending the last week in two seperate leading hospitals and seeing the many faces that come and go with various issues has led me to question today if most people realize how truly lucky they are. I think about how often, especially in the world of dog shows and competition, people forget to take a step back and prioritize what is truly important in life and take stock of everything they have.
So today on Thanksgiving, I would simply like offer a sincere heartfelt "Thank you" for all of our friends and family and for all of the wonderful friendships and "dog show family" we have gained over our many years of being involved with dogs. May today find you and your loved ones with good health and much happiness.
Now go give your "furr-kids" a hug!
- Jeff, Chris and "the kids!"
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sandy Cornwell e-mailed us to let us know that this lovely bitch out of our Ch. Bayshore's Paparazzi, "Flash" and Fairoaks Alindraya is a New English Champion!
Ch. Lyvenden Razlin Raina was bred and is owned by Angie Challenger in England!
Congratulations Angie....she is lovely!
Monday, November 17, 2008

We just had to share this photo of 3 of the luckiest, spoiled rotten dogs in all the world!
Daisy, Buddy and Rocky are owned by the Riotto family in New Jersey.
Daisy and Rocky are from our Flutter X Skeeter litter and Buddy is from our Secret X Johnny litter.
Sandra writes..."Rocky turned out to be the biggest snugglebug ever!!! He loves to cuddle, he thinks he is a 10 pound lap dog. He plays peekaboo with Joe on the couch, he hides his face and then when you say peekaboo he pops he head up. (i know, we are nuts ) He is an unbelievable dog!!!! Buddy and Baisy are just the sweetest. Buddy has to make sure everyone is okay and where they are supposed to be, he is always on duty. Daisy just wants to party all the time. She has to mommy everyone in the house. You guys definitely breed the best dogs ever."
Thanks Sandra! We couldn't ask for a better family for "our kids!" I'm still working on finding you a red merle so you can have a complete place-setting! (GRIN)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just received the photo from owner Brenda Hoskins of "Breaker"....Bayshore Stonehaven Heartbreaker's Best In Sweepstakes Win at the Canadian Australian Shepherd National Specialty under Breeder Judge Emmy Adasiewicz! Thanks to Heather Herron for stepping in and handling Breaker to this win!
Breaker was also Reserve Winners Dog and Best Puppy here....all at only 10 months old!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Just got a message from owner Brenda Hoskins that "Breaker", Bayshore Stonehaven Heartbreaker, was Best of Breed all 3 show days this weekend, garnering 2 Adult Group Two wins, 2 Puppy Group First wins and on the last day was BEST PUPPY IN SHOW!
Way to go Brenda!
Way to go Brenda!
"She is absolutely the best. I feel like we've always had her, and it hasn't even been 2 months yet. We think that because she was raised with cats, that she thinks she's a cat. When you sit on the floor, she tries to curl up in a little ball on your lap. She can't get close enough. She's a real snuggle-bug. Many thanks again for providing us with the best dog we can imagine."
THANK YOU for the update Jean! Promise is turning into a stunning young lady!
Promise is from our Cruiser X Flutter litter!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Les writes from Australia..."Here's the photos of Clash I said I'd forward from Tuesday's Sunbury Spectacular when he took Best of Breed and Runner Up Best In Group over some 240 Group 5 (Working group) dogs!"
Thanks for the update Les! Clash looks fantastic and has matured beautifully. We are so proud of all your success together!
Clash is better known as Aust. Ch. Stonehaven's London Calling (Ch. Bayshore's Ralph Lauren X Stonehaven Savior Faire)
We LOVE this photo of Finnegan!
Owner Jenny writes..."Finnegan is doing great! He is loved as much as ever, a true member of our family. He enjoys our walks, playing fetch and hide-and-go-seek with the girls and tug of war. Finnegan is so smart. I can't beleive the things he figures out!"
Thanks for the update Jenny! He is obviously loved!
Finnegan is out of Ch. Bayshore's Ralph Lauren and Stonehaven's Savior Faire.
Monday, November 3, 2008
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